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Messages : 4271
Inscription : 01 janv. 2022 11:05

Message par Vigne_à_sang »

J’vais vomir !
On dirait des poumons lol !
Les intras de Freddy assurément !
C’est gore (pour les amateurs du genre quoi)
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Messages : 877
Inscription : 28 déc. 2010 16:13

Message par Ghisy »

Vigne_à_sang a écrit : 02 mars 2025 17:06 J’vais vomir !
On dirait des poumons lol !
Les intras de Freddy assurément !
C’est gore (pour les amateurs du genre quoi)
J'adore les films d'horreur mais je n'achèterai pas des intras qui ressemblent à ça ! |-)
DAPs : Sony Walkman ZX707 (64 Go, JP) + micro SD 1 To / Cowon Plenue R2 Platinum Black (128 Go)
Intras : Campfire Audio Bonneville (black + Time Stream Cable 4.4mm - Metal Series) / Campfire Audio Cascara (blue + Time Stream Cable 4.4mm - Blue Series) / Sony IER-M9 / Oriolus Szalayi / Acoustune HS1750 CU / Fiio FH9 Black / Beyerdynamic Xelento Remote / Campfire Audio Andromeda Gold / Dorado 2020 / Honeydew / Vega / Andromeda (Green) / Acoustune HS1501 AL
Intras TWS : Technics EAH-AZ80 (black)
Casques ouverts : Focal Elear / Philips Fidelio X2
Casques fermés : Audio Technica ATH-M50 / ATH-M50x / ATH-MSR7 / Fostex TH-X00 Ebony (MassDrop) / Focal Listen Professional / Sony MDR-Z7M2 / Ultrasone Signature Pure / Audio Technica ATH-WP900 / B&W PX7 (Bluetooth)
DACs/Amplis : Fiio K7 / Fiio BTR5 (Bluetooth) / Fiio Q1 Mark II / Fiio A5 / Topping NX1A / Fiio E5 / Encore mDSD
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== Modérateur ==
Messages : 6122
Inscription : 08 sept. 2015 20:06
Localisation : USA

Message par CharlesM »

woophie a écrit : 02 mars 2025 15:06 Ça doit être le LPGT2
tout acheter non, l'ARTPICAL「Bloody Angel」, je te le laisse volontiers, quelle horreur !
heureusement c'est une édition limitée à 30 pièces.

P6P10ANV Black x Gold avec l'Artpical Lucifer c'est mieux.
Mon dieu, tu mets ça on dirait que ta cervelle s'écoule par tes oreilles :eek: :eek:
Sédentaire: QA390 -> Elear & Genelec 8030c
Nomade: BTR7 -> FF3 & U12T & Bellos X4
Ultra Nomade: APP2
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TN m'a tuer
TN m'a tuer
Messages : 7079
Inscription : 07 mars 2013 15:07

Message par woophie »

Td310 a écrit : 02 mars 2025 17:03 J'ai vu que le Fiio btr19 était prévu
apparemment ça semble assez lointain ( novembre ), en tout cas FiiO met fin à la série Q
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TN m'a tuer
TN m'a tuer
Messages : 7079
Inscription : 07 mars 2013 15:07

Message par woophie »

FIIO New Products for 2025

Portable Player Edition Non-Android Retro Series
ECHO NANO (smaller than ECHO MINI, end of year)
ECHO (higher-end than ECHO MINI, fall)
DISC (high-end of Ingenic X2000)

M21 (April)
M27 (June) (Snapdragon 7)
M25 (successor to M15S, Dec) : il disposera du même SoC que le M27

je suppose que la photo représente le M27 ... bien que la roue de volume et le design ressemble plus au M15s
Dernière modification par woophie le 03 mars 2025 14:29, modifié 4 fois.
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TN m'a tuer
TN m'a tuer
Messages : 7079
Inscription : 07 mars 2013 15:07

Message par woophie »

Shanghai International Otology Exhibition Photo Report by 巡洋舰3rd(巡洋笔记)
*attention contient du contenu horrifique (ARTPICAL Bloody Angel)

HiBy R6PRO MAX Ti, Golden 10th + FAudio : 3DD+5BA+PZT ( $2999, Limited to 499 sets worldwide )
Water Moon Rain Harmon
AROMA Blue Dragon
AD1955 for Rakuha E7 ( << Rakuha >> nom Japonais de Luxury & Precision )
Shanling EC Zero T, UP6
Noble Audio「Shogun」1DD+2BC+6BA+4EST
Quloos MUB5
ARTPICAL Bloody Angel
Cayin RU9
NiPO A100 etc.
Dernière modification par woophie le 03 mars 2025 21:48, modifié 1 fois.
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J'ai des câbles en or massif
J'ai des câbles en or massif
Messages : 2044
Inscription : 21 déc. 2015 15:15
Localisation : Shanghai, 🇨🇳

Message par Vynz101 »

J’ai pu essayer:

- HiBy R6PRO MAX Ti, Golden 10th + FAudio : 3DD+5BA+PZT ( $2999, Limited to 499 sets worldwide )
- FIIO M21
- Cayin RU9
Source: Roon / RopieeeXL / Auralic Aries Mini
DAP: Sony NW-A35 / Shanling M0 / iBasso DX120 / Hiby R4
Ampli: Pioneer U-05 / Massdrop THX AAA 789
Casques nomades: Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 Over Ear / Audio Technica ATH-MSR7
Casques sédentaires: AKG K702 / Fostex TH-X00 / Sennheiser HD6XX / Audeze LCD 2 Classic
Intras: EarSonics ES3 / Campfire Audio Nova / Audeze iSine 10 / Earsonics Stark / Sennheiser ie800
Intras wireless: Sony WF-1000XMk3

Ex compagnons:
Casques: AKG K240
Ecouteurs: Audeze iSine 20, Yamaha EPH-100
DAP: Sony NW-A25, Fiio X1 II
DAC: Fiio Q1 MkII, Audiophonic DAC PCM5102 sur batterie 32bit 384kHz Interface XMOS USB, Encore mDsD
Amplificateurs: Shanling PH300
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TN m'a tuer
TN m'a tuer
Messages : 7079
Inscription : 07 mars 2013 15:07

Message par woophie »

Voici un post abrégé du CEO de FiiO :

<< En 2025, nous ajouterons des amplificateurs à tubes, des radios, des enceintes sur pied et gaming devices.

Arrêt du développement de nouveaux modèles de la série Q
et réduction des investissements dans les écouteurs intra-auriculaires.

Les DAC/amplificateurs portables perdent du terrain face à la commodité des DAC compacts.
Le marché des casques intra-canal est également saturé.

Aujourd'hui, un petit investissement suffit pour lancer sa propre marque, ce qui a entraîné une sursaturation du marché
et FIIO a décidé de se concentrer sur des produits dont la barrière à l'entrée est plus élevée.

FIIO mise sur le design rétro, qu'elle associe à la technologie moderne.
La réaction positive en 2024 confirme que nous allons dans la bonne direction. >>

texte complet :
FIIO 2025 New Product Schedule (1) Preface--By Mr James.

Since our fiscal year starts on April 1st, releasing a new product schedule in March seems more reasonable.

As per tradition, let’s first go over some important notes—things that we have repeated many times before. However, these reminders are necessary. For those unfamiliar with our usual practices, this serves as an introduction. For senior fans, it is a good way to refresh and reinforce previous knowledge.

The new product schedule is for reference only, but can not be seen as a commitment.

There is an old saying that plans are made to be delayed. So, our new product schedule is for reference only, and delays are almost inevitable, though FIIO had relatively few product delays last year.

Additionally, a year is a long time, and we may not strictly follow our original plans. There may be unexpected new products, or some planned projects may be canceled.

FIIO has decided to work toward becoming the "Decathlon of HiFi", which means our product categories will continue expanding. This is a good thing for consumers, as it allows us to cater to different scenarios, budgets, and styles.

For sure, some people will say FIIO is not focusing on R&D and is just releasing products randomly. That kind of criticism is inevitable, but we don’t bother explaining anymore. Instead, we will continue expanding our team and doing what we do best. As long as our products remain competitive, we are not afraid of criticism.

FIIO will continue expanding the product category in 2025

After 18 years of development, FIIO’s product lineup has become one of the most comprehensive both domestically and internationally. Our products cover portable players, desktop players, portable DAC/amps, portable Bluetooth DAC/amps, TWS earbuds, dynamic driver IEMs, balanced armature IEMs, hybrid IEMs, dynamic driver headphones, planar magnetic headphones, earbuds, speakers, desktop DAC/amps, keyboards, USB dongles, accessories, as well as CD and cassette players.

This year, we will introduce tube amplifiers, radios, and floor-standing speakers. Additionally, we will begin exploring the gaming market, instead of being limited solely to HiFi audio.

Selective reduction of product categories

Since a company’s resources and focus are limited, we must balance expansion and optimization. At present, we have decided to halt new product development for the Q series and reduce investment in IEM development, considering market competition and declining demand.

The Q series portable DAC/amps have been heavily impacted by high-end dongles and Bluetooth DAC/amps. Since most users pair these devices with smartphones, large and heavy DAC/amps come with significant usability constraints. For indoor use, they cannot compete with desktop devices in terms of experience and sound quality.

The IEM market is also shrinking. The core reason is that IEMs have become a low-entry-barrier product—with just a few thousand dollars, anyone can start a brand, and some manufacturers are willing to produce small-batch CNC or 3D-printed models. This has led to an oversaturated market, with too many new brands and products. For now, we will shift our focus to higher-barrier products.

HiFi vintage will be FIIO’s main theme in 2025!

Among HiFi brands, FIIO is likely the only company making vintage design a core product strategy. We not only create retro-style products but also integrate vintage aesthetics into modern devices.

In 2024, FIIO’s retro-style products have received positive consumer feedback, so we will continue to expand in this direction.

That’s all for the preface! Stay tuned for more updates! Thank you!

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