Voici ma "petite" liste d'aop à tester :
Combo Sur carte ZxR :
- AD827SQ (I/V) + Signetics 5534N (buffers) : j'attends actuellement les signetics. Avec des TI 5534P je trouve le tout un peu brillant.
Recommandé sur head-fi par raymond555 "So Im sticking to the ZXR with AD827SQ in the I\V, Signetics 5534N in the buffers,smokes everything I've tried so far."
Other than signectics sucks
A tester et dans mon panier ebay (enfin de coté) :
Combo Sur carte ZxR :
- I/V 2x LME49720NA et buffers 2x LME49710HA
Permettrait un son chaud, avec de bonnes assise dans les basses, des aigus tout doux. Bon je ne retrouve pas les posts en discutant sur head-fi ... mais je suis sur de l'avoir lu !
- I/V 2x JRC5534DD et buffers 2x NEC uPC4570c : à priori d'après raidmon555 un combo plaisant à pas chère. Commandé, en attente de livraison.
Combo sur Xonar STX :
- I/V 2x LME49720NA et buffers LME49720HA
- I/V 2x LM6172 et Buffers LM6172 ou LME49990MA (monté en dual)
- I/V 2x LME49720NA et buffers LME49720HA
- I/V 2x LME49720NA et buffers LM6172
Solo / ou combo à définir :
- OPA2604AP
Avis01 : a bit like a tube, rolled off on both ends, a bit boring and too rounded for me
Avis02 : aurait du potentiel pour adoucir certains casques, mais les voix perdrait
- MUSES 8920
Son agréable, relativement chaud avec de bonnes articulations mais moins préics.
- OPA2107
dark and laid back sound, very deep soundstage, not so broad
autre avis à l'opposer : If you like bright and detailed sound with tight bass try OPA2107.
Et ici : uber quelconque ....
- AD825
pour une signature en très léger V qui tend à mort le médium, avec des basses très profondes et des aigus très clairs, le tout hyper claquant, taillé pour le rock et le metal;
Great soundstage, no veil, very musical, impactful, no harshness, colorful but not colored sound
- AD744 Ca pourrait bien me plaire à voir ...
very natural in color and soundstage which might give impression as present everywhere. What I dislike is its relaxed and therefore "dead" sound. However some people may like it.
- OPA2228 et OPA2107
* uncompensated alter ego of OPA2227 but totally different. deeper but not muddy like 2227's bass, actually very nice, lots of air in midrange and silky highs. Warm and natural. Just slightly laid back with delicate veil which pairs well with 2228's airy presentation. Electric guitars and female vocals sound nice and intimate. Very likable chip, but not for low gains. You can compensate its feedback loop with capacitors, but I don't like this method and find it degrading the sound a bit.
* I have pretty much settled for the OPA2228P in the I/V slots and the OPA2107AP in the buffer slot. Sounds fantastic to me.
* I just replaced the stock LM4562 buffer with the OPA2228, the most noticeable change is the treble has been tuned down quite a bit, the vocals also sound a tiny bit further back, the bass has increased very small amount but it's only noticeable on certain songs, all of this characteristics are welcome considering the bass is lean, vocals are upfront and the treble is emphasized on my AD900's. On the downside I did notice a loss in clarity (which I attribute to the...
-Pour accompagner en single channel pour ZxR : OPA227, 228 (apparemment le 227 serait préférable), OPA627, AD825 (mais peut être un peu bright)
http://www.head-fi.org/t/157436/single- ... or-similar
- I/VOPA2228 et OPA2134 buffers
- LME49720NA