J'en avais déjà parlé: Le projet du DAC d'AAK est maintenant finalisé.
moitié DIY (modulaire - vente à l'unité des modules)- moitié commercial (les modules sont vendus terminés). Ce dac peut tout à faire être commandé en version "terminé" rien à faire.
AAK a réalisé un boulot d'une complexité remarquable. Je ne connais décidément pas beaucoup de dac qui savent faire autant de choses.
Avec en son sein un ou plusieurs Sabre ES9018, il peut être configuré en stéreo, dual mono ou même en multichannel pour du HC ou de la multiamplification.
Les cartes DAC sont stackables.
Ce DAC sait virtuellement tout faire, y compris faire fonctionner les sabre en sync mode (c'est à dire désactiver le DPPL / jitter eliminator et lui faire manger une master clock en entrée). Pour cela, AAK propose 2 modules assez uniques:
Code : Tout sélectionner
I2S/DSD (USB) Input Board - $140.00
[quote]Amanero Adaptor Board - $125.00
The board provides High-Speed Galvanic Isolation and Synchronous data re-clocking between the Amanero and the I2S/DSD board. Two Crystek low jitter oscillators provide synchronous clocking to the Amanero board. The board also includes separate low noise LDO regulators for the clock and digital sections, high-speed low jitter flip flops for re-clocking, Potato Semi high-speed buffer for the clock output, and a U.FL connecter to connect the synchronous output clock to the I2S/DSD board. It’s a 2-layer board, [/quote]
Cette board permet d'isoler, reclocker avec deux clock Crystek de qualité un amanero dans le but d'attaquer le DAC en mode synchrone. avec l'alimenation des clocks onboard, le buffer, l'isolation, et les clocks qui coutent cher: 125$ pour ça, c'est donné, pour accomplir à minima une fonctionnalité similaire avec une autre module, il faudrait partir sur une carte Acko S03 à 235$.
Ce module est complété par le module de selection de source ( I2S/DSD (USB) Input Board - $140.00 ) qui permet de faire le reclocking du Spdif sur une crystek 100mhz, et de faire passthrough de la carte Amanero pour attaquer le dac en synchrone.
Si j'ai bien compris on peut aussi monter 2 entrées USB sur ce module (si on renonce aux entrées SPDIF ?)
La version de base qui inclut tout (y compris un boitier à 200$ prix coutant) est à 1275$.
Pour ceux qui voudrait faire baisser la facture, il doit être possible de faire sauter le SPDIF et la carte de selection - et de ne garder que l'entrée usb et le sabre clocké en synchrone. - AAK propose aussi de ne garder que le spdif et gagner 300$, mais je vois pas qui ça intéresserait :mrgreen:
Pour ceux qui trouve que c'est pas assez cher mon fils, il y a évidemment l'option dual mono :)
La télécommande est en option. Le contrôleur avec l'écran, plein d'accès aux réglage interne du sabre et les contrôles manuels sont de la parties...
Perso j'ai plus de sous ...
malgré son travail exemplaire, ingénierie done right, sans l’esbroufe marketing des fabricants, AAK n'arrive pas à recruter assez de monde pour sa group buy. La limite minimum est à 25 pour être rentable - et il n'y a que 5 réservations actuellement, Si vous chercher un dac en dehors des sentiers battus, ça peut valoir le coup de tenter cette possibilité. Dans l'esprit DIY, je pense que la partie digital est top notch, la partie I/V peut de toutes façons être changés selon besoins.
Voici [url=http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/vendors-bazaar/240287-my-es9018-dac-amp-controller-24.html#post4113130]le post qui détail le mieux les fonctions de chaque modules et leur prix.[/url]
[quote="AAK"]Hi Everyone,
I’m happy to announce the enclosure from protocase.com is completed and I’m finally ready to announce pricing. Thanks so much for your patience. So here we go.
The introductory price for a fully assembled Stereo version of my ES9018 DAC is $1275.00.
My ES9018 DAC will be sold completely assembled but I do plan at some point on providing individual boards with detailed instructions for the experienced diyer to build their own.
In the spirit of DIY I designed the enclosure with the added flexibility to expand to 4, 6, or 8 output channels by stacking more I/V_Amp boards. The enclosure has six 0.125” pilot holes on the back panel to support the additional channels. I also added mounting holes for connecting two DACs side-by-side for dual mono setups. The customer has the option of doing the installations themselves or I can do it for a minimal charge. The customer would only have to cover the cost of the boards, materials like cables and hardware, shipping, and I’ll do the rest.
In addition to the Amanero USB input port a second unpopulated USB input port was added to support multi-channel applications including 7.1 surround sound using a USB device like miniDSP’s USBStreamer. But the extra USB input can also be used with any USB device like an XMOS based design, Raspberry Pi, or a Beaglebone Black. There’s plenty of room in the enclosure to neatly mount and wire up any one of these USB devices.
I hope you're all satisfied with the pricing. I worked really hard to get the price down as low as I could without sacrificing quality. Here’s the price breakdown followed by a feature list.
The ES9018 DAC Board - $280.00
1. ESS Technologies ES9018 eight channel DAC. The board supports 2, 4, 6, and 8 outputs. Optional vertical stacking of up to four DAC boards allowing for a maximum of 16 DACs in parallel/stereo channel to reduce noise and improve linearity. The on-board microcontroller firmware supports dual-mono operation.
2. Twelve LDO low noise regulation stages including two on-board ultra low noise high precision (<15nv total integrated noise) series regulators for the critical 3.3 AVCC (set to 3.5V for added dynamic range). Each DAC voltage input has it’s own LDO.
3. Optional 100Mhz 0.082 ps (82fs) Femto Crystek crystal on-board for Asynchronous clocking. Normally not populated unless specified.
4. Optional Low jitter Potato-Semi 1-to-4 buffer for clock distribution when paralleling DACs. Normally not populated unless DAC stacking is specified.
5. On-board U.FL input connector for external Asynchronous (S/PDIF) / Synchronous clocking provided by the I2S/DSD board.
6. Microcontroller on-board with I2C isolation from DAC section.
7. Four layer board measuring 3.2” x 2.7”
I/V-AMP2 - $125.00
1. LME49990 op-amps throughout for I/V conversion, simultaneous balanced and single ended outputs. Both the balanced and single ended outputs are filtered using a 3rd order Bessel Filter at –3dB@100Khz. Five LME49990s are used per-channel.
2. Includes 0.1% Panasonic or Susumu thin film SMD resistors. Through-hole Non-magnetic low noise Vishay’s PTF56s, or PRP9732s, Vishay Bulk Foil resistors are optional.
3. Includes 1% COG/NPO caps for the output filters, matched to less than 0.1%. Through-hole Wima film type caps are optional.
4. Four on-board relays to prevent turn on/off thump.
5. Four layer board. Board measures 2.66” x 2.7”.
Control Boards/OLED Display – $70.00
1. NewHaven 4 x 20 OLED. Colors Blue/Green/Yellow are optional.
2. Controller data distribution board for controlling OLED, input switches, and relays.
3. Six tactile switch board for controlling power, selecting inputs (8 x S/PDIF, or 2 x I2S/DSD), up/down selection of 24 different ES9018 functions and their settings (all displayed on the OLED). Settings can be stored EEPROM.
4. Volume control board with two Volume up/down tactile switches
5. Seperate stored volume settings for S/PDIF, and USB1/2 inputs.
6. Volume levels stored in EEPROM after 5 seconds of inactivity.
7. Sample Rates for S/PDIF and I2S/DSD inputs are displayed on the OLED.
8. I2S/DSD input indicator displayed on OLED.
9. DAC power board.
10. IR Remote control. Sold separately.
S/PDIF Input Board - $50.00
The price is for six S/PDIF inputs, the board supports eight. The board supports Toslink, Coaxial, BNC, and Balanced Inputs. It’s a 2-layer board, measures 4.2” x 2.25”
I2S/DSD (USB) Input Board - $140.00
The board stacks on top of the S/PDIF board and provides switching between up to eight S/PDIF inputs, and 2, 4, 6, or 8 I2S/DSD inputs. Includes a Crystek 100Mhz 0.082 ps (82fs) oscillator on-board for Asynchronous clocking typically for S/PDIF, and two U.FL connectors for external synchronous clock inputs from the Amanero adaptor board or other sources, and two Potato Semi high-speed buffered outputs using U.FL connectors that connect to the DAC board. It’s a 4-layer board, measures 4.2” x 2.25”.
Amanero Adaptor Board - $125.00
The board provides High-Speed Galvanic Isolation and Synchronous data re-clocking between the Amanero and the I2S/DSD board. Two Crystek low jitter oscillators provide synchronous clocking to the Amanero board. The board also includes separate low noise LDO regulators for the clock and digital sections, high-speed low jitter flip flops for re-clocking, Potato Semi high-speed buffer for the clock output, and a U.FL connecter to connect the synchronous output clock to the I2S/DSD board. It’s a 2-layer board, measures 1.4” x 1.7”.
External DAC Power Supply Module - $75.00
The module provides two completely isolated power supplies. Each supply uses a 3 Amp LT1764 adjustable regulator and Panasonic FM capacitors for power supply filtering. The module is powered using an Amgis dual winding 115V/230V 25VA toridal transformer.
External I/V_Amp2 Power Supply Module - $75.00
The module uses a 3 Amp LT1085 adjustable regulator for the positive rail, 3 Amp LT1033 for the negative rail, and Panasonic low ESR capacitors for power supply filtering. The module is powered using an Amgis dual winding 115V/230V 25VA toridal transformer.
External MCU, I2SDSD Power Supply - $75.00
The module provides two completely isolated power supplies. Each supply uses a 3 Amp LT1764 adjustable regulator, and Panasonic FM capacitors for power supply filtering. The module is powered using an Amgis dual winding 115V/230V 15VA toridal transformer.
Amanero - $60.00
Enclosure - $200.00. Sold at cost.
I added a couple pics of an almost fully assembled stereo DAC in a par-metal enclosure. Some of the S/PDIF inputs are not connected. The actual enclosure will be from protocase.com. A 3D pic of the enclosure’s back panel is attached showing all the inputs and outputs.
Please let me know if you have any questions. For $1275.00 I’ll need to sell a minimum of 25 fully assembled units. If you’re interested please let me know and I’ll get the group buy going. Thanks again for your patience and support.