Dans ce que j'ai écouté, je ne peux que te conseiller de regarder du côté des Sunrise Xcited qui ont une signature que
je trouve équilibré, avec un bon soundstage et du dynamisme à renvendre ce qui donne un bon impact aux basses qui sont un peu sèches mais pas anémiques !
Certains te conseilleront peut-être les Sunrise Xcape IE, qui ont une signature similaire quoi que plus chaude (selon ce qu'on peut lire dessus).
Il y a aussi les Brainwavz B2 qui pourrait répondre à tes attentes mais je ne les ai pas essayer et cette proposition est uniquement basée sur mes lectures.
À ce que j'ai pu lire, les T-Peos H100 sont des doubles drivers mixtes (BA + dynamique). Pourrais-tu décrire la gêne quant aux basses ? Trop présentes ? Trop d'impact ou pas assez ? Trop rondouillardes ou au contraire trop maigrelettes ?
@DZ : j'ai une tête de
treble lovers ?
![:D :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/msp_d.gif)
Mais sinon, ça serait bien en effet de spécifier la notion de signature équilibrée car pour moi, j'entends par là un spectre relativement plat.
EDIT Voic l'avis de |joker| de head-fi concernant les Sunrise Xcited (Désolé DZ mais après ça, les RE-ZERO
![:D :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/msp_d.gif)
|joker|@Head-fi a écrit :Sunrise Xcited
The Xcited is a brighter, leaner take on the Sunrise sound. It is a well-balanced earphone with less midrange emphasis compared to the old Xcape. The low end is tight and quick. Deep bass is not particularly prominent but fans of balanced sound will be satisfied with the amount of impact the Xcited brings to the table. There is a bit more punch than with my RE-ZERO but the difference isn’t huge. Expectedly, there is no bass bleeding into the midrange, which is leaner and cooler than with most dynamics in the price range. In terms of balance, the midrange is slightly recessed compared to the RE-ZERO but still fairly balanced on the whole. The presentation of the earphone is quite wide, which is definitely a contributing factor to the perceived recession of the midrange. The mids are clear and detail is on-par with the best of similarly-priced dynamics. Texturing is good but the Xcited doesn’t seem quite as thick or weighty as the old Xcape. All in all, the lows and mids of the Xcited boast impressive accuracy. The notes are crisp and clean, making even the RE-ZERO seem like it is lacking a bit of clarity, and guitars generally have more edge and bite than with the Xcape v1 and Xcape IE.
The upper midrange gains in emphasis as it transitions into the treble. There is plenty of upper midrange energy, which can result in a bit of harshness or sibilance with the wrong tracks. Even for me it all seems a little too exciting at times and is reminiscent of the metallic treble tinge I hear with the Sennheiser HD25. On the upside, clarity is again very impressive, with the cooler tone helping out in this regard. Top-end extension is quite good and the detailing is again on-par with my RE-ZERO. Once again, the Xcited is crisper, however, causing it to appear more aggressive and ‘sharp’ when it comes to detailing. Presentation-wise, the Xcited is very spacious and well-separated. The warmer Xcape IE sounds smaller and more intimate in comparison, as expected, and soundstage size is improved over the Xcape v1 as well. Overall, it’s an interesting sound – potentially a bit fatiguing for those used to warmer, smoother earphones and a bit cooler than than the Xcape IE and RE-ZERO but definitely competent on a technical level and different enough from the other models to have its own spot under the sun.