Balanced DAM1021

Balanced DAM1021
And a balanced dual dac assembly. I will provide better pics and description later, this is just so that people can get a feeling how it all goes together. It also gives an idea how the input board looks without a Raspberry attached.

Note that the J3 and J7 connectors are soldered on the bottom of the second DAM.

The muting board has a second relay, a top connector and an additional output header installed.

The input board has a top 2x13 connector for the second DAM, and a jumper for chaining the serial ports. The R1 resistor should also be removed if coax input is used, but I have not done it in here. ... ost4462600
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Messages : 3917
Inscription : 21 oct. 2011 19:50

Balanced DAM1021

09 oct. 2015 13:34

Informations des images

24 sept. 2015 19:45
4.46 mm
1/141.98494959534 Sec
Flash déclenché, mode automatique
Lumia 930
0 EV
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