DarkZenith a écrit :Apparemment, DanBa, tu as branché tes intras directement sur l'UD100, sans ampli intermédiaire.
![:-? :-?](./images/smilies/msp_confused.gif)
Ce n'est pas moi, c'est un certain kazzzam.
Pas mal de gens branchent directement leur casque à l'UD100 utilisant le contrôle de volume numérique du logiciel lecteur sans constatant une diminution de la qualité du rendu sonore :
"yup, without amp.
i control the volume on winamp, although TS did mention there would be loss in quality but i seriously cant hear the difference.......still very good
http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showt ... p=54532789
"sgs3 > UD100 > ath-ck100
volume level is sufficient, no amp required."
http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showt ... p=54596977
"but im currently using the UD100 without DAC, surprisingly it churned out the dark side of my Superlux HD330.......i can only imagine what will happen if I amp it"
http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showt ... p=54532676
Contrôle de volume numérique :
http://www.wadia.com/technology/technic ... trol_2.pdf
http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showthrea ... me-control
Le concepteur du fameux ODAC, ayant la même puce de conversion ESS Sabre 24 bits que l'UD100, déconseille l'usage de l'ODAC sans ampli-casque :
"ODAC CANNOT DRIVE HEADPHONES DIRECTLY: There still seems to some confusion the ODAC is a headphone DAC by itself. It’s not. You need some sort of headphone amp like the O2 (the ODAC fits inside), the upcoming ODA, a FiiO E5/E6/E9/E11, etc."
"@Anon (amp needed?). The ODAC cannot directly drive headphones (or speakers). It can directly drive most any line/aux input (powered speakers, desktop audio system, receiver, etc.)."
"The ODAC needs a headphone amp, or other amplifier, receiver, music system, powered speakers, etc. It's has a line-level output and can only drive loads of 5000 ohms or higher (most line inputs are 10,000 to 100,000 ohms). Headphones, however, are 16 - 600 ohms. The ODAC will be very unhappy trying to drive headphones directly. The same is true for most any line output."
Cependant, un membre de HeadFi trouve que ses ampli-casque deviennent superflus avec l'ODAC.
http://www.head-fi.org/t/621386/odac-ma ... -redundant
Un autre, ayant un ampli-casque O2, trouve que la combinaison "Galaxy S3 > ODAC > Sennheiser HD 800" est le paradis :
"Well, I put sennheiser hd 800 directly on the ephifany edac.
I see the paradise.
Yes, in my s3 with neutron player I had to down the volune of 7-8 db, this, in teory, not very good, but I am very surprised about the super fantastic quality of sound out of my S3 with syhas kernel.
I am not crazy, please try this with high impedence headphone and share your experience."
http://www.head-fi.org/t/611778/brief-o ... st_8715689
DarkZenith a écrit :A noter que le principe du DAC USB de qualité réduit à sa plus simple expression ne date pas d'hier. C'était déjà l'idée qui avait présidé à la conception du Headstage USB DAC cable (DAC Wolfson WM8740 + buffer AD8656 =
69 $ fdpex) encensé l'année dernière par Mike sur
Headfonia (
"the cleanest sounding sub $100 DAC", pas moins!)...
A essayer sur ton S III, DanBa?
(source: Headfonia.)
Le câble HeadStage USB DAC a été testé avec succès avec le Galaxy S III :
"I just tried the s3 with headstage usb dac and it works quite well. S3>usb otg>headstage usb dac>headstage arrow."
http://www.headphiles.org/index.php/top ... #msg241979